Unternehmenssitz VWH


Facebook Fan Page - Privacy Policy

Last updated: 3/26/24

Pursuant to Article 13 GDPR, we inform you below as to the means and purposes of the processing of your personal data via the Facebook Fan Page of VVH GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the "Fan Page") and notify you of your rights.

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Further information can also be found in our Privacy Policy. 

Joint controllers pursuant to Article 26 GDPR
Pursuant to Article 4 (7) GDPR, the controllers of the processing of your personal data are:

- VWH GmbH, Bahnhofstr. 104, 56414 Herschbach (OWW), e-mail: info(at)vwh.com and

- Meta Platforms Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, D 2 Dublin, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as "Meta"), 

each acting as a joint controller in this regard. This particularly applies to the collection of visitor data, to tracking via cookies set by Meta and via other technologies and to the processing of data collected in this way within the scope of Meta's so-called Page Insights Program.

Pursuant to Article 26 GDPR, we have entered into an agreement with Meta regarding the joint responsibility of the controllers. One of the provisions therein contained is that Meta will fulfill your rights as a data subject within the scope of this data processing. The full contents of this agreement may be viewed here.

Data protection officer
Our external data protection officer is Mr. Alexander Schulz, who may be contacted at: a.schulz@karst-it.de

Karst IT GmbH
Am Stadtgraben 3
56626 Andernach

Data processing
When you visit our Fan Page, certain information is processed including your IP address and other information which is stored on your PC in the form of cookies. This information enables you to be identified and permits your user behavior on the Internet to be traced (so-called "tracking"). In our capacity as the operator of the Fan Page, Meta may make parts of this data available to us in the form of a statistical evaluation of users and use of our Fan Page.

This may, for example, include the total number of visits to our Fan Page and the reach of individual posts. We receive these evaluations irrespective of whether we order or actually use this data. Meta makes more information about these statistics available to you here. If you click on the "like" button on our Fan Page, this data will also be processed and linked with your Facebook account.

We are jointly responsible with Meta for this processing of personal data. Pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 1 f) GDPR, the legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest in adapting the contents of our Fan Page to meet the wishes of its visitors and in enhancing the visibility of our Fan Page and Meta's legitimate interest in optimizing its advertising services.

We are unsure whether we have a comprehensive overview of the data which Meta processes when you visit our Fan Page. The same applies to the question as to the period of time for which Meta stores your data. Neither do we know the extent to which Meta uses the data collected in order to link such data with your Facebook account or with other profiles.

Transmission of data to recipients outside Europe
The data collected when you visit our Fan Page is processed by Meta and may be transmitted to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), such as within the Meta Group to Meta Platforms Inc. in the USA, the parent company of Meta Platforms Ltd. Transfer of data is subject to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework Agreement. Further information on how Meta processes personal data may be found here and here

Use of the Meta Messenger Service
If you send us a message via the Meta Messenger Service, we will process the content of this message and your sender information, in particular your name and the address of your Meta account.

Pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 1 f) GDPR, the legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest in responding to your inquiry.

Rights of the data subject
You have the following rights regarding your personal data within the statutory scope of the GDPR. 

• The right of access
• The right to rectification
• The right to erasure
• The right to restriction of processing
• The right to object to processing
• The right to data portability

You may object to processing in circumstances where we process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests (Article 6 Paragraph 1 f) GDPR). This Privacy Policy sets out the cases in which we rely on a legitimate interest when processing data.

Insofar as we have sole responsibility for the processing of your data, you may assert your right to object and your other rights as a data subject by contacting us or our data protection officer (e.g. by e-mail, see contact details above). In circumstances where we have joint responsibility together with Meta for the processing of your personal data, you may also contact Meta for the purpose of asserting your rights as a data subject. In accordance with our agreement with Meta, Meta assumes all obligations in respect of the assertion of your rights as a data subject with regard to processing of the personal data for which we bear joint responsibility together with Meta. For this reason, we ask you to direct any such matters to Meta. Of course, you may also assert your rights against us.

If you wish to exercise your right to object, we request you to state the reasons why your personal data should not be processed. In the event of a justified objection, the relevant facts and circumstances will be examined and data processing will either cease or be adjusted to said relevant facts and circumstances or else the compelling legitimate grounds for continuing the processing will be indicated.

You may of course object to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes at any time without any requirement to state reasons.

In such a case, please contact our data protection officer (e.g. by e-mail, see contact details above). You will incur no further costs by doing so.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority regarding the processing of your personal data.


LinkedIn - Privacy Policy

Last updated: 3/26/24

Pursuant to Article 13 GDPR, we inform you below as to the means and purposes of the processing of your personal data via the LinkedIn account of VVH GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the "account") and notify you of your rights.

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Further information can also be found in our Privacy Policy. 

Joint controllers pursuant to Article 26 GDPR
Pursuant to Article 4 (7) GDPR, the controllers of the processing of your personal data are:

- VWH GmbH, Bahnhofstr. 104, 56414 Herschbach (OWW), e-mail: info(at)vwh.com and

- LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as "LinkedIn"),

each acting as a joint controller in this regard. This particularly applies to the collection of visitor data, to tracking via cookies set by LinkedIn and via other technologies and to the processing of data collected in this way within the scope of data collection by LinkedIn.

Pursuant to Article 26 GDPR, we have entered into an agreement with LinkedIn regarding the joint responsibility of the controllers. One of the provisions therein contained is that LinkedIn will fulfill your rights as a data subject within the scope of this data processing. The full contents of this agreement may be viewed here

Data protection officer
Our external data protection officer is Mr. Alexander Schulz, who may be contacted at: a.schulz@karst-it.de

Karst IT GmbH
Am Stadtgraben 3
56626 Andernach

Data processing
When you visit our account, certain information is processed including your IP address and other information which is stored on your PC in the form of cookies. This information enables you to be identified and permits your user behavior on the Internet to be traced (so-called "tracking"). In our capacity as the operator of the account, LinkedIn may make parts of this data available to us in the form of a statistical evaluation of users and use of our account.

This may, for example, include the total number of visits to our account and the reach of individual posts. We receive these evaluations irrespective of whether we order or actually use this data.

We are jointly responsible with LinkedIn for this processing of personal data. Pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 1 f) GDPR, the legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest in adapting the contents of our account to meet the wishes of its visitors and in enhancing the visibility of our account Page and LinkedIn's legitimate interest in optimizing its advertising services.

We are unsure whether we have a comprehensive overview of the data which LinkedIn processes when you visit our account. The same applies to the question as to the period of time for which LinkedIn stores your data. Neither do we know the extent to which LinkedIn uses the data collected in order to link such data with your LinkedIn account or with other profiles. 

Transmission of data to recipients outside Europe
The data collected when you visit our account is processed by LinkedIn and may be transmitted to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), such as within the LinkedIn Group in the USA. Transfer of data is subject to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework Agreement. Further information on how LinkedIn processes personal data may be found here

Use of the LinkedIn Messenger Service
If you send us a message via the LinkedIn Messenger Service, we will process the content of this message and your sender information, in particular your name and the address of your LinkedIn account.

Pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 1 f) GDPR, the legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest in responding to your inquiry. 

Rights of the data subject
You have the following rights regarding your personal data within the statutory scope of the GDPR.

• The right of access
• The right to rectification
• The right to erasure
• The right to restriction of processing
• The right to object to processing
• The right to data portability

You may object to processing in circumstances where we process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests (Article 6 Paragraph 1 f) GDPR). This Privacy Policy sets out the cases in which we rely on a legitimate interest when processing data.

Insofar as we have sole responsibility for the processing of your data, you may assert your right to object and your other rights as a data subject by contacting us or our data protection officer (e.g. by e-mail, see contact details above). In circumstances where we have joint responsibility together with LinkedIn for the processing of your personal data, you may also contact LinkedIn for the purpose of asserting your rights as a data subject. In accordance with our agreement with LinkedIn, LinkedIn assumes all obligations in respect of the assertion of your rights as a data subject with regard to processing of the personal data for which we bear joint responsibility together with LinkedIn. For this reason, we ask you to direct any such matters to LinkedIn. Of course, you may also assert your rights against us.

If you wish to exercise your right to object, we request you to state the reasons why your personal data should not be processed. In the event of a justified objection, the relevant facts and circumstances will be examined and data processing will either cease or be adjusted to said relevant facts and circumstances or else the compelling legitimate grounds for continuing the processing will be indicated.

You may of course object to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes at any time without any requirement to state reasons.

In such a case, please contact our data protection officer (e.g. by e-mail, see contact details above). You will incur no further costs by doing so.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority regarding the processing of your personal data.